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Athena, your world everywhere

design Eugenia Minerva, 2016

What will happen to the traditional bookshelf when books lose their physical side? This is the question that prompted the creation of the Athena project.

In the last decade, the way we access information on a day-to-day basis has dramatically changed. Items such as books, music and pictures have ceased to be tangible objects to become files existing on the web or in the cloud. With the Internet of Things now a reality, and the presence of devices such as smartphones and tablets increasing in our lives, a revolution in information storage is required.

The answer to this is Athena.

Athena is much more than just an ordinary bookshelf. Thanks to an embedded Raspberry PI computer the size of a credit card connected to a hard drive, Athena will manage all your digital items, categorizing them automatically. Athena also champions connectivity with external devices, so that you can have your entire digital world at your fingertips. Just connect via wi-fi your smartphone, e-reader or smart TV and you are ready to enjoy the content of your Athena library whilst charging your personal device. Fancy some more reading material? No problem! Athena is preloaded with content from Project Gutenberg which means your shiny new bookshelf already comes with over a whopping 40,000 free e-books!

Athena is also available in a special ‘Contract’ version that can be integrated within public spaces such as waiting rooms, train stations or airport. With so many free titles available, Athena well and truly breaks cultural barriers by making culture available to everyone.

Athena is a revolutionary product that combines the heritage of the past with the complexity of the future using a clean, simple design and state of the art technology.

Breaking the chains of the physical, Athena frees your world making it available everywhere.


Thanks to:  COPS, Raspberry PI, Calibre and Project Gutenberg, Graziano Pavone, Artigian design, Pro Metal, Ti line


[restab title=”Italiano” ]

Athena, your world everywhere

design Eugenia Minerva, 2016

Cosa diventerà l’oggetto “libreria” quando tutto il suo contenuto perderà fisicità?

Questa la domanda da cui è nato il progetto Athena.

Nell’ultimo decennio il modo in cui abbiamo accesso alle informazioni sta cambiando da un giorno all’altro drasticamente. Libri, musica, video e immagini hanno perso la loro consistenza materica, diventando file che viaggiano nel web. Con Internet of Thing ormai divenuto realtà e i dispositivi “smart” prepotentemente entrati nelle nostre case si sta rendendo necessaria  una rivoluzione anche nella conservazione e fruizione dei dati.

Athena vuole essere una risposta a queste riflessioni su come sta cambiando il nostro modo di gestire, fruire e conservare ciò che amiamo e che nutre la nostra anima,  su come cambiano i luoghi e gli oggetti destinati a questo sia nella casa, che negli spazi pubblici.

Athena è molto più che una semplice libreria. Grazie ad un piccolo computer incorporato (Raspberry Pi), poco più grande che una carta di credito, Athena archivierà i tuoi contenuti multimediali organizzandoli automaticamente in categorie; potrai anche accedervi direttamente dai i tuoi apparati “smart”, così avrai tutto il tuo mondo digitale a portata di mano. Connetti semplicemente  via wi-fi il tuo smartphone, e-reader, o la tua smart-TV ad Athena e potrai fruire di tutti i tuoi contenuti multimediali anche mentre ricarichi i tuoi dispositivi.

Vorresti altro da leggere? Nessun problema! Athena  è precaricata con contenuti del Progetto Gutenberg, il che significa che la tua nuova libreria è già fornita di 40000 e più e-book gratuiti!

Infatti, nella sua versione “contract”, Athena diventa un punto lettura e divulgazione culturale da inserire nei luoghi dell’attesa, mettendo in pratica quello che è lo slogan del progetto “rompere le barriere dell’ignoranza e dell’analfabetismo”.

Tutto questo in una forma che rompe l’archetipo di libreria attraverso un rovesciamento delle misure tipiche dell’oggetto tradizionale, lo epura da ogni fisicità per farlo dialogare nell’ambiente domestico con la qualità di un segno grafico.

Athena diventa un tramite tra un passato tangibile e un futuro evanescente.

Misure: L120cmxP13cmxH190cm

Grazie a:  COPS, Raspberry PI, Calibre and Project Gutenberg, Graziano Pavone, Artigian design, Pro Metal, Ti line



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OneTwoThree Table

The two main features of methalcrylate are transparency and colour.
These are not conventional stackable tables where each table is placed on top of the other. This coffee table is actually
made of three separate transparent tables combined together to form one colorful mix.
But if you need an other table…here it is!
ONE, TWO, THREE…colours!

Exhibited at Salone Satellite 2014
manufactured by Ag Products


Pirò chair

The “old” and “new” are mixed together in this chair. Pirò chair  is  made in beech plywood using the antique technique of pyrography and using the old moulds with classical graphics used for the seat of the “Thonet chair”.

A new chair with a new use of old technique.

Propotype made for Salone Satellite 2015

Thanks to 3C compensati curvati



  • Seatable

Seatable is a coffetable, a box, a pouf and a side table.

Houses has small spaces and we need spaces always convertible for our needs.

It is made in beech plywood.

Meas. 70x70x38

Prototype made for Salone Satellite 2015.

Thanks to 3C compensati curvati

Artigian Design, Rocco Rapagna





  • Ninety

Ninety is a modular shelves system made in metal sheet, laser cutted and folded and powder coated.  Module is a 90° shelves with tubes welded on the side.

Steel  bars hanged on the wall hold up modules. It is possible to create endless combination of colors and composition.

Ninety can be use as bookshelves in office and home but also as a complement for entrance using the mirror piece.

Meas. 30x30x20

Protitype made for Salone Satellite 2015.

Thanks to LISA s.r.l.



tac pot

“Gigi  is looking for his hat…where will be it? Maybe in the fridge? Oh! but what a mess…there is a shoe with salad inside!!!”

Tac Pot is a tribute to Bruno Munari, and to the creative thinking.

It is made in ceramic 3d printed.

Meas: 21x7x11 cm

Prototype made for Salone Satellite 2015

Thanks to Vectorealism




Towerbridge desk

A functional desk should give space to all stuff we need on it but leaving free space for working, reading, sketching.

With Towerbridge I’d like to give an answer to this need. The principle is very simple: desk has holes for threaded broomstick fixed with wooden bolt, that hold shelves in 2 different length.

You could decide how many shelves and where to put them according to your needs.

It’s all made in natural beech wood.

Meas. 155x75x75

Prototype made for Salone Satellite 2015

Self production.



Max&Moritz lamp

The idea comes from the stacking wooden rings for children. The aim is to have a small lamp with a playful and emotional aspect, thanks to natural wood in 4 essence: walnut, beech, pine, mahogany. Rings are handcrafted with lathe and can be moved to change the final shape: so Max became Moritz just turning one ring.

Max and Moritz are inseparable and if you say hallo, they greet you swinging.

Meas. 15x15cm x H24cm

Propotype made for Salone Satellite 2015

Thanks to: Torneria Borgonsoli




I enjoy discovering the playful aspect of items and tools that are employed in our every day life. Often using the caliper in my work, I once noticed how it resembles a mouth talking and there it came the inspiration for a series of talking puppets called Callypuppets!

Callypuppets are suitable for both small children and older children and there’s no limit to the amount of stories and adventures they can create! They can even put on mini shows by building a small stage with the packaging provided. Thanks to its natural finish, you can also paint it in your favourite colour!

Callypuppets are made of laser cut wood and assembled in my own studio with non-toxic glues. It is a toy designed with children in mind, so we use only natural materials and no small pieces.



I am Leofoto-3

I am Raffa


I am Cocco

foto-2 2 foto-1bis

I can open and close my mouth…


..and I can eat you!teatro2

With my package you can build a little theater and create several stories!

And..How big is your mouth?



This suspension lamp is made with black semi-opaque methacrylate.

It’s available also in opaline white color.

Selfproduction, 2014